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Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 6, 2010


KIẾM TIỀN NHANH CHÓNG VỚI CASHFIESTA (Có cả chương trình Hack để kiếm tiền nhanh và dễ dàng hơn)
Miêu tả:
KIẾM TIỀN THẬT 100% TRÊN MẠNG! (ban huong dan chi tiet nhat)

Sau khi đã bỏ nhiều công sức để nghiên cứu và tìm hiểu về Cashfiesta thì mình khẳng định đây là chuyện hoàn toàn có thật 100%,các bạn mình còn lập 1 nhóm làm về cái này và đây là bằng chứng cụ thể để chứng minh điều đó:
+ Bằng chứng Cashfiesta đã chi trả cho các thành viên ở Việt Nam và nhiều nước trên thế giới trong nhiều năm qua: Bạn hãy bấm vào http://www.cashfiesta.com/

+ Bằng chứng mới nhất mà Cashfiesta đã chi trả cho 1 thành viên ở TP HCM: Bạn hãy xem trong phần " bằng chứng " ở ngoài menu.
* Vậy tại sao Cashfiesta lại trả tiền cho mình? Tiền ở đâu Cashfiesta trả cho mình?
=> Cashfiesta trả tiền cho mình vì mình chấp nhận cho chương trình Cashfiesta để một góc quảng cáo trên màn hình máy tính của mình mỗi khi mình lên Internet. Trên góc quảng cáo này sẽ thấy các mẫu quảng cáo của các công ty, các casino, các cửa hàng và chính các công ty này sẽ trả tiền để được quảng cáo trên Cashfiesta, còn Cashfiesta trả tiền cho mình để mình xem các quảng cáo đó. Mình thấy cách kiếm tiền này cũng thú vị và muốn giới thiệu chương trình này để mọi người kiếm tiền chung với mình. Cũng thú thật là nếu các bạn tham gia chung thì mình cũng được lợi rất nhiều, tại sao mà mình được lợi thì các bạn đọc ở dưới sẽ hiểu rõ. Mình cũng nói trước với các bạn là cách kiếm tiền này tuy dễ nhưng thật cũng không quá dễ dàng mà đòi hỏi các bạn phải kiên nhẫn, người ta không tự nhiên trả tiền cho mình phải không các bạn, để có được thu nhập 100-1000 USD thì các bạn cũng phải tích cực và kiên nhẫn. Còn bạn nào muốn không làm gì hết mà tiền cứ chảy vào túi thì mình nghĩ trời cũng không giúp được.
* Có 2 cách để kiếm tiền khi sử dụng chương trình này:
- Cách 1 là bạn tự sử dụng một mình và được trả tiền sử dụng.
- Cách 2 là giới thiệu người khác sử dụng chương trình và hưởng thêm hoa hồng.
Bạn phải kết hợp cả 2 cách để kiếm tiền hiệu quả nhất.
Chương trình Cashfiesta sẽ trả cho các bạn mỗi giờ sử dụng internet khoảng cao nhất 15.000đ. Thực ra phần tiền khi chúng ta sử dụng trực tiếp các chương trình này không cao, chỉ được vài chục USD một tháng, nhưng phần tiền huê hồng khi giới thiệu người khác rất hấp dẫn.

Hiện tại theo mình biết chính xác thì Cashfiesta trả cho trung bình cho tất cả các thành viên trên khắp thế giới mỗi người khoảng 90 USD/Tháng. Rất nhiều người đã tạo cho mình được thu nhập khoảng 500-600 USD/tháng nhờ tiền huê hồng chỉ riêng với chương trình Cashfiesta.
Chương trình này thanh toán tiền mặt bằng cách gửi séc(check) tới tận nhà.
Cashfiesta chịu trả tiền cho các bạn như vậy thì tại sao vẫn có ít người sử dụng? Vì ở Việt Nam phần lớn không biết đến các chương trình này cũng như chưa tin tưởng,họ nghĩ là nó ko trả tiền cho mình và cứ kêu là trang SCAM.,chỉ vì họ ko đủ kiên nhẫn chỉ muốn kiếm được tiền ngay mà ko phải bỏ công sức>>>thật quá sai lầm.. Nếu bạn là những người đi đầu sẽ có nhiều cơ hội giới thiệu đến người khác chưa biết và khi bạn giới thiệu được nhiều người thì bạn đã tạo được cho mình một hệ thống kiếm tiền cho riêng bạn để khỏi lo về việc cạn túi vì nếu thất nghiệp cũng có Cashfiesta ''Chu Cấp'' cho bạn hàng tháng .Hãy tạo cho mình một hệ thống tự động kiếm tiền, các bạn ơi nhanh lên nhé! Mình sẽ hướng dẫn cho các bạn một cách chi tiết, nhớ làm từng bước đúng như mình hướng dẫn thì sẽ sử dụng được một cách chính xác và hoàn hảo để tránh trường hợp nhầm lẫn nhé,nhớ đừng đăng kí nhiều tài khoản để kiếm tiền cùng 1 lúc nhé,rất dễ bị fake IP đó, đây là kinh nghiệm của mình.

Bạn là sinh viên hay là học sinh. Bạn đang cần tiền ? Bạn muốn kiếm trên 50 USD mỗi tháng trên Internet ?

Bạn có cần tiền không? Bạn có muốn thêm một khoản thu nhập kha khá nữa không? Hãy tự kiếm thêm trên 50USD mỗi tháng trên Internet.. Tôi biết chắc các bạn sẽ không tin bởi làm gì mà dễ dàng thế và còn có thể bị “dụ khị” nữa chứ ?

Nhưng các bạn hãy tin tôi, bởi tôi vốn chẳng dễ tin vào điều gì - chỉ tin vào những gì mà mình có thể làm và trải nghiệm được và hơn hết tôi đã từng bị “lừa đẹp” nữa. Bởi vậy tôi căm ghét những trò lừa đảo và sẽ không bao giờ tiếp tay cho bọn tội phạm đó cả: “vừa hại người lại hại luôn cả mình”.

Bạn là sinh viên hay là học sinh. Bạn đang cần tiền ? Bạn muốn kiếm trên 50 USD mỗi tháng trên Internet ?

Tôi biết chắc là các bạn sẽ không tin tưởng lắm bởi vì làm gì có chuyện kiếm được tiền dễ dàng đến thế. Chắc các bạn nghĩ chỉ toàn là trò lừa đảo cả thôi.Tuy nhiên hãy tin tôi đi, tôi vốn không tin cái gì-chỉ tin những gì chính mình đã trải nghiệm. Và những người bạn của tôi cũng đã từng bị lừa (do không chọn đúng công ty có uy tín đảm bảo). Rồi nên tôi đã có kinh nghiệm, và tôi chẳng dại gì tiếp tay cho bạn lừa đảo cả.

Thật phí hơi phải không ? Tôi xin bảo đảm đây không phải là trò lừa đảo. Nguyên tắc của công ty mà tôi giới thiệu là sẽ dùng một phần màn hình máy tính của bạn để quảng cáo khi bạn nối mạng, ngược lại công ty sẽ trả cho bạn tiền vì bạn đã xem quảng cáo của họ (Chính công ty cũng được tiền vì đã đăng quảng cáo cho các cá nhân hay các công ty khác). Rất dễ hiểu phải không nào ?

Thật ra có rất nhiều chương trình kiếm tiền khác giống như CASFIESTA nhưng vẫn có nhiều bất cập đối với người Việt Nam ta :

Các chương trình đó thanh toán rất lâu (khoảng 1 tháng từ khi bạn yêu cầu , còn Casfiesta chỉ mất 10 ngày). Thủ tục thanh toán của các công ty đó rất phức tạp, thường bằng thẻ tín dụng chứ không bằng sec như của Casfiesta (bạn chỉ cần cầm sec và CMND ra nhà bank là có thể đổi được tiền). Bạn sẽ mất nhiều thời gian để đọc thư trong khi đó CASFIESTA chỉ có thanh quảng cáo ở 1 phần bên trên màn hình máy tính và bạn cũng chỉ việc ngồi nhìn số điểm của mình tăng liên tục (trong khi đó bạn vẫn có thể chat chit hoặc giới thiệu cho bạn bè biết về trang web này). Và có 1 điểm quan trọng nữa là bạn không chịu đọc thư hay đọc sai thư rất hay bị xóa tài khoản (vậy là công cốc)...

Cho nên tôi thấy CASFIESTA rất phù hợp với người Việt Nam. Gần đây các công ty của Việt Nam cũng bắt đầu triển khai chiến dịch này nhưng vẫn chỉ là đọc thư và thu nhập không cao vì mới thành lập, chi phí lại thấp. Thật là dễ để có được trên 50 USD mỗi tháng (là số điểm tối thiểu mà công ty yêu cầu có thể rút được tiền). Tránh tình trạng gừi nhiều lấn 1 số tiền không lớn lắm, nó sẽ gửi sec qua địa chỉ nhà bạn). Nếu bạn nối mạng Internet (ở dịch vụ hay tại nhà đều được).

Bạn không tin hãy thử 1 lần đi, cũng chẳng mất gì mà. Tôi sẽ chỉ cho bạn tất cả. Để có thể kiếm được trên 50 USD mỗi tháng bạn hãy làm theo các bước sau :


Đăng kí:
Trước tiên Bạn hãy vào link ( coppy liên kết dưới vào thanh địa chỉ “address” , nhớ là mở thêm một Internet Explore khác để vào liên kết mới ,và giữ lại trang này để xem hướng dẫn tiếp )

Sau khi Click vào liên kết trên, bạn sẽ thấy xuất hiện 1 bảng Đăng ký, gồm các mục sau :
-Login : Gõ vào tên đăng nhập (bạn tự chọn), VD của tôi là:samvnn1 (ít nhất là 3 kí tự).
Bạn chú ý có phân biệt chữ thường và chữ in Hoa đó nha, tốt nhất là bạn nên đặt Account bằng chữ thường cho dễ nhớ đi nha. ( Nhớ là toàn bộ không gõ dấu tiếng Việt )
-Password : Gõ vào mật mã password, ít nhất là 4 kí tự.
-Verify password : Gõ lại mật mã password.
-First name : Gõ vào Họ của bạn.
-Last name : Gõ vào Tên của bạn.
-Street address : Gõ vào địa chỉ nhà của bạn, quan trọng đó, (gồm số nhà, tên đường, phường và quận. Nhưng lưu ý là không gõ được tiếng việt có dấu, nhưng nhớ là phải gõ đúng địa chỉ nhà bạn.Nếu bạn ở nông thôn thì địa chỉ có dạng:"tên thôn-tên xã-tên huyện-tên tỉnh".Nếu bạn gõ sai thì Séc chuyển tiền không đến nhà bạn đó)
City : Gõ vào tên Thành phố/Tỉnh bạn đang sinh sống.
Zip/Postal code: Gõ vào mã bưu cục ( mã bưu điện). cái này rất quan trọng nha, chứ không phải bạn muốn gõ đại đâu nha.. Bạn xem bảng mã bưu cục sau : http://danhba.vdc.com.vn/tracuu/danhba/mavungdt.asp

Nó nằm ở cột ngoài cùng tên là “Mã bưu chính”, nè Mã bưu chính ( mã bưu cục, mã bưu điện ) khác với mã vùng điện thoại của các tỉnh thành đó nha. VD: ở TPHCM được ghi là 70 vậy tôi điền vào là : 70000 (hãy thêm 3 số 0 vào cho đủ 5 số nhé), hay ở Hưng Yên là 39000. Cái này rất quan trọng nhớ ghi cho đủ !
State : Ghi tên tỉnh của bạn.
Province : Ghi tên tỉnh của bạn.
Country : Vietnam.
E-mail address : Địa chỉ Email của bạn.
Verify e-mail address : Gõ lại địa chỉ Email.
Age : Tuổi của bạn.
Gender : (Giới tính) : Male (Nam); female (Nữ).
Referred by : Account của người giới thiệu, nếu không có Account nào giới thiệu bạn vui lòng đánh Account của tôi vào : samvnn1 ( chú ý : ban phai nhap dung Account cua nguoi gioi thieu do nha. sau này bạn giới thiệu ai tiếp thì bạn sẽ sửa: samvnn1 bằng Account mới của bạn đó )
Education : (Trình độ văn hóa)
Annual household income : Thu nhập của bạn tùy chọn.
Please tell us why you use Internet : Hãy đánh dấu tất cả
What do you search for or buy online: Hãy đánh dấu tất cả
Preferred check size : Hãy chọn 50$, (là số tiền Cashfiesta sẽ thanh toán cho bạn khi bạn đạt được). Bạn không nên chọn nhiều hơn nha, nghĩa là sau 1 tháng, nếu bạn được 50$ thì họ sẽ chuyển 1 tờ Séc 48$ cho bạn, do trừ đi 2$ phí chuyển tiền )
Reffered by: ban điền vào là "samvnn1"
Đánh dấu vào ô “I have read and understand the Member Agreement”.

Nhấn" Submit Registration "để hoàn việc đăng ký.

Thành công sẽ hiện lên chữ Congratulation.

Nếu vẫn chưa được thì bạn phải kiểm tra kỹ lại, thấy chỗ nào báo chữ màu đỏ là bị sai phải sửa lại.

(Còn nhấn Clear Form để xóa hết thông tin đã khai bên trên để đăng ký lại đó )


Sau khi đã đăng kí xong, bạn hãy Click vào liên kết sau (Nếu không click được thì bạn hãy copy liên kết như trên) để Download về máy của bạn một chương trình nhỏ(600 KB).

Sau khi đã Download về máy xong, bạn hãy chạy file này (bằng cách nhấn Open). Intall vào máy bằng cách ấn "I Agree", rồi 'Next", "Intall", đến "Next" và" Finish" .Sau khi đã cài đặt xong sẽ có 1 bảng hiện ra yêu cầu bạn nhập vào User và Password mà bạn đã đăng kí lúc nãy, và nhấn "OK "để bắt đầu kiếm tiền. Khi đó bạn sẽ thấy phí bên trên Desktop (màn hình) của bạn có một banner. Và như vậy là bạn đã bắt đầu kiếm tiền rồi đấy.

* Chú ý : Khi chạy chương trình, nếu chương trình báo lỗi bạn hãy khởi động lại (vì nó không liên lạc được với máy chủ), khoảng một vài lần là được.


Bạn phải luôn chú ý bên trái thanh quảng cáo (banner) có một thằng bé mặc quần xanh, đội nón đang ngồi (tại nó mập quá), bạn rê chuột vào nó thì nó sẽ đứng dậy và bước đi tại chỗ, khi đó ở ô (Current Month Point) kế bên điểm của bạn sẽ tăng lên, một giờ tăng khoảng 600 điểm, cứ 1000 điểm quy đổi được tối đa là 1,666 USD.

Lưu ý thằng bé cứ khoảng 5 phút lại ngồi xuống hoặc chạy ra giữa màn hình, bạn phải kéo nó về chỗ cũ và nó phải bước đều thì điểm của bạn mới tiếp tục tăng. Lúc này bạn có thể sử dụng internet bình thường, chỉ thỉnh thoảng phải canh chừng, đừng để thằng bé ngủ gục.

*** Song tôi mới tìm được chương trình hack -->> chỉ cần chạy hack thì bạn cứ ung dung làm việc mà ko cần canh chừng thàng cu con nữa. Bạn chỉ cần vào link sau http://www.lmok123.com/easycash/download.htm
bấm vào English Version 7.0 để dowload về một phần mềm, giải nén ra một Folder, nhắp đúp vào “ $ “ một cái bảng màu xanh xuất hiện, bạn hãy bấm vào nút Taskmaster, thấy nó bắt đầu nhảy số 1,2,3... là OK rồi, bạn tiếp tục bấm vào Hide để giấu cái bảng đó đi, phần mềm này chạy cũng khá lâu (bản chưa Register chạy liên tục được 45 phút), khi nó ko chạy nữa thì bạn chỉ việc kích hoạt lại là OK. Giờ thì bạn có thể vô tư chơi games hay làm bất cứ việc gì khác trên máy.

Và đặc biệt chương trình này không ảnh hưởng đến tốc độ internet của bạn.

Bạn để ý đến chú nhóc ở góc trái trên thanh quảng cáo. Nếu nó đang đi tới có nghĩa là số điểm của bạn đang tăng lên (theo dõi trong khung Casfiesta POINTS ở bên cạnh)

* Ô số thứ nhất (CASFIESTA POINTS) : Ghi số điểm mà bạn kiếm được.
* Ô số thứ 2 (Referrals) : Là số người mà bạn giới thiệu được.
* Points from Referrals : Đây là số điểm mà các thành viên mang lại cho bạn (1 kiểu kiếm tiền dây chuyền mà không cần phải click nát chuột mà vẫn được hưởng tiền hoa hồng nhờ việc giới thiệu tới nhiều người). Ví dụ : Tôi là người giới thiệu cho bạn (< 3 người như bạn, đó là “Hoa Hống cấp 1”). Và bạn đang kiếm được 1000 điểm thì tôi sẽ có hoa hồng là : 1000*15%=150 điểm. Lưu ý: Trang này là loại manual Surf, có nghĩa là bạn phải close, thoát tắt Fiesta trước tắt máy , nếu bạn không tắt Fiesta trước khi nghỉ thì buổi kiếm tiền đó sẽ không được tính đó. Sau đó bạn mới có thể disconnect được. Trình tự thực hiện như sau: Bấm vào nút close ở góc trên bên phải của chương trình, nó sẽ tự động update, sau đó bạn bấm OK là xong. Lúc mới đầu sử dụng, Cashfiesta sẽ trả bạn phí rất thấp theo 6 bậc, để có thể đạt được mức tính tiền cao nhất là 1,666 USD bạn phải trở thành thành viên của Goldclub ( bậc cao nhất). *BẢNG HOA HỒNG : 3-> 9 người 7% (hoa hồng cấp 2)
9 ->27 người 5% (hoa hồng cấp 3)
27-> 81 người 4% (hoa hồng cấp 4)
81 ->243 người 3% (hoa hồng cấp 5)
243 ->729 người 2% (hoa hồng cấp 6)
729 ->2187 người 1% (hoa hồng cấp 7)
2187 ->6561 1 % (hoa hồng cấp Cool)
Có 8 cấp đó, rất hấp dẫn !!!

* Bonus Point : chính là số diểm thưởng của công ty cho bạn. Nếu bạn kiếm được :
2,000->4,999 : bạn được thưởng 1000 điểm.
5,000->9,999 : bạn được thưởng 2000 điểm.
10,000->19,999 : bạn được thưởng 4000 điểm.
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Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 5, 2010

Trường Sa giữa các mối căng thẳng về xung đột Biển Đông

According to analysts, the French scholar messages by Virginie Raisson, Director of Laboratory Research and analysis of political cartography (LEPAC) posted on 20/03/1996 Monde Diplomatique still calculates the problem.

Named a captain of a whaling ship the nineteenth century, the Spratlys, including many small islands and coral reefs located between the East Sea, the coast of China to 1500 km, 400 km coastline and coastal Vietnam Philippine Sea about 300 km or Malaysia. This is not exactly an area geographically, but a space in which today shows the correlation between these forces in Southeast Asia and East Asia (1).

On 2/25/1992, Congress passed a law China Sea China Sea put the majority under its sovereignty. Thus, self-possession Beijing a strategic regional significance on three aspects: a resource important oil and gas, located on the major international sea lanes, and there were six claims, all or part set (Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines and Taiwan).

Unilateral decisions that increase the rumors of conflict. Under the new law, now Chinese territory will include the Senkaku Islands (known as China's Diaoyu Islands), Paracels - Hoang Sa (the Chinese called the Western Sa) and Spratly - Truong Sa (known as the South China Sa). Since the Republic of China made their sovereignty to the territorial waters (12 nautical miles) and adjacent areas (12 miles) so that sovereignty will cover the majority of the South China Sea and resources there.

Legally, claims are still not clear. To legitimize the claims in the East Sea or in the Yellow Sea, China based on the continental shelf area of his. But for the South China Sea, they cited "historical reasons", but they did not speak clearly - they can not invoke the presence from the past and continue on the island first. The value of legal terms used to call the sea claim area (such as internal waters, territorial sea, the islands waters) is not clear.

Also, geographically, China's claims seem to have vague ideas: the dots shown by new sea border may indicate that a range can be sacred. In fact, the claims include the extraction and installation of equipment by Indonesia, Malaysia or the Philippines under control. Without a specific solution to the division of waters in the East Sea, the international rule of law will say to countries on the rights of an exclusive economic zone. Thus the possession of Beijing has unilaterally less legitimate and credible.

Therefore the following hypothesis: by extending their sovereignty so, China can not claim a territory defined by the standard material, shaped and legal objectivity, is a political space and economy are determined by other parameters. But what parameters? The answer lies first in the islands geographical location, but the two islands with almost a quarter of global trade is transported through. And so China will be able to carry out not only to control the sea but it is the dense network of air routes in the area.

The second parameter of the island land long: the Chinese, it can have the oil and gas reserves by 205 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BEF), but according to oil company exploration in the block area oil and gas a lot less. Apart from the potential field, additional tanks are produced around the islands: the Nam Con Son basin, Dragon and Dai Hung offshore Vietnam. North Natuna in Indonesia, and Camago Nalampaya Northern Palawan Island, Jintan, Serai and Sederi offshore Sarawak and Sabah basins in North West (3).

Thus, in total, China demanded to put his hand up the majority of the oil tank in the East Sea. Not only that, the war has been simmering between Vietnam and China over oil and gas companies involved.

May 1992, China for U.S. oil company Crestone special exploration concession 25 155 km2 in western Spratlys Ho Chi Minh City is about 300 km, next to special concessions Vietnam's Dai Hung. Government at that Hanoi had protested vehemently against the Hanoi considered that a violation of their economic sovereignty (4). China's answer completely clear: in July 1992, landed as they did in 1988 - a number of troops on a reef islands of the archipelago, setting a milestone border and assured company U.S. support of military force. Vietnam responded on May 4 / 1994 by special assignment for a U.S. oil company Mobil of the Dragon mine right next to mine exploitation Crestone.

Energy situation of both Vietnam and China to enlighten the real extent of such conflict. For Hanoi, the mining and petroleum exploration in the center of economic reconstruction. With 12% of foreign investment since 1988, and nearly one fourth of export, oil is a main source of income. It provides inexpensive energy necessary for the chemical industry (steel mills, fertilizer, petrochemical complex and power plants). According to recent polls, the continental shelf of Vietnam that most claims by China, which contains oil reserves estimated at 3 to 5 billion barrels and approximately 300 billion cubic meters of gas.

In China too, the energy resources are developed industrial conditions. The mines are exploited on the ground has dried up oil prices low and not conducive to new operators in the region, foreign investors now prefer drilling in areas more profitable. Moreover, the infrastructure of China on the exploitation and transportation still not enough. Located in the northeast and extreme west of the country, these places are in remote mining areas of energy consumption: the special economic zones are concentrated in the South China pay a lot expensive energy carried by the pipe oil. With the increase limited to 2% per year, oil production no longer meets the needs that the annual economic growth of 10% from 10 years to create. That explains why the need for Beijing to exploit new oil in the Spratlys.

A strategy to fill gaps

Besides Vietnam, China's attempt to seize the oil last in the East Sea may also lead to China's opposition to all coastal waters. For example, China claims covering the Natuna Islands of Indonesia, and especially the world's largest mine: is estimated at 137,000 billion cubic meters, which is the subject in January 1995, declaration of an agreement 35 billion dollar falls between the state oil company Pertamina and Exxon Company USA. But the commitment of a new U.S. company in the region do not fully reassure people is to ask Indonesia to clarify the legal Jakarta to Beijing yet tháng 7 / 1994 has not been answered.

Verbal threats of Beijing will use force to protect its sovereignty to increase the insecurities. Not the People's Liberation Army held a lot of the maneuvers from the start of the decade, it is also increasingly more intervention in the South China Sea. Since the clashes in 1974 in the Paracel Islands, the islands are higher than in the north, in which a Chinese warship has sunk a warship in Vietnam - to the impact of China - a new Vietnam in 1994, the not counting all the events, especially during the Beijing forces set milestones sovereignty.

That way, Chinese military occupation by eight smaller islands of the archipelago. They are not the only country: Vietnam occupies 25 islands, eight islands the Philippines, Malaysia and Taiwan 3 1. But, although the installation of permanent structures mainly to strengthen the position of the respective countries, other countries legally, the opposition they conflict with each other from now through the framework of a competition accept the simple resources in the region. Economic framework of the debate has been overtaken by the national ambitions through speeches Republic of the Philippines, Vietnam and especially China.

In contrast, although the increase was losing all kinds of things, the subjects more relevant, and military tensions growing, threatening to destabilize the region, finding a solution overall progress has not. The delay is of concern in part because, until 1994, lacks an appropriate mechanism to address security issues in Asia. The end of the Cold War led to the commitment to withdraw from the region, as the Russians pulled out of Cam Ranh base in Vietnam and the U.S. pulled out of the Philippines' Subic base.

Regional Forum on security established in 1994 by ASEAN can not bridging the gap strategy. Members of this forum as well as differences in their interests seems to have been a serious obstacle. Must also identify a location for those countries not members of ASEAN (5) in the adoption of security measures not only related to Asians. Without forgetting the big questions about how the tri.Lam ensures a real idea of China or Korea to discuss with the countries and territories outside the file record stands as Taiwan or Korea Korea and South Korea?

Whether China will participate effectively in a forum they are expected to be established to control them? Will we have built an air of confidence with which a member of ASEAN as the main threat to regional security, especially when it talks about the stress that China is considered the main character?

Can not resolve the conflict, the ASEAN countries have chosen diplomacy to prevent the first goal is through confidence measures. I am not entirely surprised to see the agenda of the forum most recently the winner 7 / 1995 does not include Spratlys conflict issues and problems of military trials of China's offshore territories Radio Loan, that only the French nuclear testing or the political situation in Myanmar (non-member countries). But the issue of sovereignty in the East Sea was the subject of much discussion in the corridors, all countries present interest in the Spratlys issue.

The conflict pushed the U.S. into the conflict scary. One face of budgetary pressures, "the definition of non-interference" of the Republic and the Congress have established guidelines on the traditional military. On the other hand, the presence in many regions of the petroleum companies are more powerful pressure group in support of Washington, the uncertainties of sea transport, determined to curb the ambitions of China and the requirements of countries in the region forced them to engage in debate.

In terms of the American official against the use of force or threatening to make demands of any country. If they refuse to show attitudes about the legitimacy of the claim the government has invoked international law to published reports of threats to freedom on the sea in the Spratlys. But the long-expected Gocdo between the need to make the long peace in the region in which the expressed determination for China's ambitions and the need to maintain dialogue with Beijing because of their common strategies, such as entering the Chinese market or limiting the supply of nuclear technology to Pakistan or Iran.

Since we can not definitively among many such urgency, Washington played a role in all performances. The economic pressures and the handling of sensitive issues in Beijing for Taiwan is coordinated with other manifestations of the ability to transfer F16 fighters to the Philippines from May 1995, sending navy commandos units to Puerto Princesa to train Philippine soldiers; 7 fleet maneuvers along with Japan and South Korea off the coast of China, also have projects with the same type as on Thailand and Singaporean.

To the Japanese, they had abandoned in 1951 on all your rights to the island archipelago that they had occupied since 1939 (6). But nearly 70% of oil supply to them through the South China Sea. As Americans, they want to protect the interests of their oil company. The decision whether or not the U.S. decision to apply the Law of the Sea in 1992, has a significance for Sankaku islands of Japan. In Tokyo confidential is required. It supports the search for a peaceful solution but no statement is the basis of the different claims.

However, the Japanese have available the powerful economic lever for the key, especially for Beijing. As a leading investment institution in China, Japan, for China is guaranteed to attract private capital, the Japanese will stop lending so much can be harmful to the search for Beijing of foreign capital. In addition, although Japan has no military means of deploying their troops in the region, they are equipped with sophisticated equipment and well trained in the marine environment.

In the meantime, the goal is not to Tokyo to Beijing takes long, but left again want to ensure their interests on a very promising market. Based on the experience of the Straits of Malacca in the 1960s, some people even rely on the integrity of the Japanese mediation to resolve the conflict of sovereignty in the East Sea.

The conciliation mediation of Indonesia.

Over five years, Indonesia in him that people already have most of the intermediary efforts of reconciliation. As there are no claims for any of the islands of the archipelago, Jakarta intervened reconciliation with the organization of annual meetings to discuss the measures "to avoid a potential conflict at Sea." But they take the initiative of strong gusts of dizziness. In 1993, Indonesia lost his neutrality after claims that China's road covering the Natuna Islands. In 1994, only days after one of the annual meeting, China did not hesitate to set a new milestone on the sovereignty Dalac reef. The relations of China - Philippines worsened again in 1995 following the discovery in February on the new military equipment on stone crab China Towel Ring.

Anyway consultation under the sponsorship of Indonesia can be implemented by a statement of intent on the occasion of Beijing Regional Forum of ASEAN security meeting in July 1995. For the first time, China said ready to negotiate with all countries in the choc. And, they have taken the basis of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea signed at Montego Bay in 1982 to discuss, but its parliament has not ratified the Convention again this (8).

Considering the above data, we find the arguments raised as a basis for other claims seem weak. Neither party may specify the presence of his regular - actually impossible - in the past on the island, as well as in fact they were controlled continuously. Not suitable for human life and no economic life, the islands and reefs that have no legal status to justify an exclusive economic zone or more to plan for the continental shelf. The continental shelf of Vietnam and Malaysia extend to the Spratlys would be able to have weight in the determination of maritime boundaries, rather than the many reefs of the archipelago.

The method will lead to a set of maritime boundaries without taking into account the reef, but by lifting the median line from the point on the shore of the coastal water. Under the assumption that China and Taiwan combined together, Vietnam and the Philippines will be the region has an area nearly equivalent. Paracel islands belonged to China - Taiwan in fact, however they will not be able to claim any rights to geological blocks located farther south, that is for oil and gas fields and major oil sector.

In no case is the agreement of the concerned countries, the proposed convention, for the half-closed sea, an agreement on the division of resources outside the exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles. Maybe China will give priority to choose this recipe because it fits their traditional stance, and allow them to penetrate the region where oil and gas while maintaining the ability to mobilize on the issue of sovereignty.

A formula for mutual development in the region will also satisfy the United States and Japan are concerned can not intervene to ensure the safety of the ship or the oil company of them.

Beijing more rigid

Will the division of oil have eliminated the risks of conflict do not? Food suspicious because the sovereignty issue is still there. Yet those in power in Beijing is ready, and always reminded, to use force to China's sovereignty be respected. The regional countries are concerned about China's intentions is because although the claim seems a bit vague, they did not give any signal can reassure everyone.

ASEAN countries recognize only the Chinese regime more rigid, increasing control in Tibet and all forms of dissent, firing missiles off the coast of Taiwan prior to the meeting of the ASEAN Forum, intransigence in the talks talks on the future of Hong Kong. They also see China increase the budget for modernizing the military with its consequences; test nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, weapons purchase from Russia (SU 24 aircraft - 27 in 1992 Recent submarines and 10) and manufacturing projects in China such weapons.

In addition, the region still has opinions about the installation of military equipment in the Andaman Sea, off the coast of India and Burma. These factors may explain the significant rights center for hegemony of one China's military power tends to increase. And the reason is: in fighting for the right to inherit Deng Xiaoping, once that 'it - President Jiang Zemin, Premier Li Peng and Vice Premier Zhou Ocean Engineering - are trying to get support of the military, who holds strong final legacy of the revolution. Instead of promoting discussions about the necessary reforms, the ongoing pain that held the throne for the conservative point of view even more weight the first goal is economic and resolutely towards the whole of internal and external, the tone National Republic ...

The increasing power of central government and the army was raised by the concern of the apparatus. The politicians and the military fear the collapse of the communist world and its value decreased legitimacy of the Party, the more expression of the opposition, increasing the independence of coastal provinces to rise specter of a divided China. They fear the new order arising from the Gulf War and its aftermath: the re-assertion of American hegemony and arrogant attitude of Washington politics (as the grant for Lee Teng Hui response Taiwan presidential election a U.S. entry visa in a separate trip), the preparation of a regional forum on security was the Chinese see as their control. etc.

Meanwhile, historically, fluctuations crystallize the delicate background of China's defense. Main from which the Western powers were to control the area in the nineteenth century. Also since then, the KMT got rid of the revolutionary forces. Finally, from then U.S. and Soviet Union establish regional control in the cold war. In short, The control of the south side of safety for the people's republic.

So, have focused all elements of a conflict. Context is raising aggressiveness of the central government. Military strength with the increase of political influence and the modernization of its equipment, facilities have to work above. Oil well as the return of Taiwan in the arms of Beijing is the big story was defeated. Extreme nationalism nurtured the climb, while the occupation of the island living space in the East Sea to create a dodong motivation. Law in 1992 and has ambitions to complete this work is presented as a plausible history: do not forget to press recall those glory days when Chinese people travel in the Spratly Islands, popular culture everywhere goods and advanced technologies of the Han people.

Maybe tomorrow there will be war? Anyway, assuming that nothing is certain. First, because of logistical limitations of the Chinese military. If clear water Corps forces, and submarine forces transported by helicopter which makes their occupation of the island not having too much difficulty, the distance between the Spratlys and the base of the rear China still requires air capability, but now they are not yet available. The training of pilots SU-27 does not guarantee dominance of China in the hoatd on the sea. Thus, the Navy vulnerable before the air force and missiles in Malaysia and Indonesia's geographical position better for the islands and is equipped with technology no more sophisticated goods.

The economy did not justify adventures. The development of China based on local trade and foreign investment, but it is not consistent with the conflict in the Spratlys. So why sacrifice for a temporary security and energy sources still uncertain, an economic process to ensure the maintenance of this regime of China and financial support for the modernization of the military? The ASEAN countries understand that contradiction. But they themselves know are not able to prevent China is motivated by the urgent action on domestic policy should launch a confrontation, but they also do not forget that the trio has invested, the dependence on trade and economic integration provide them the tools to prevent more persuasive.

For reasons of internal and external, Beijing must assert his power: Sea to allow them to do so. China can benefit from strategic space by the Americans and Russians to leave, as well as a correlation forces for their benefit. They easily manipulate the illusion of neighboring countries by coordinating secret military budget with no clear idea of the map. They may be wishful thinking to avenge the insult that the West forced them to bear before them out by type of negotiations.

They also conduct direct pressure on the Hong Kong and Taiwan, including by isolating these areas from the Asian solidarity may have. They found out the secret signal for both the coastal province south of them, reminded the province said that the central government is ready to control the entire territory, they were finally able to present no ambiguities everyone knows, their ambitions in the region, even across the world.

Certainly critical of Beijing's stance is that it. A smart way to use the Spratlys records may opened to them the resources sector strategy. Not create real risks, they hope to do so would confirm the picture of his great powers, in the meantime have the economic means and military to become a truly great powers. So do not be surprised that the problems associated with the oil and gas will find a solution for the medium term. But probably the issue of sovereignty has to hang there, making Beijing scallop has retained its diplomatic tiles.


Posted Monde Diplomatique newspaper (France) on 03/20/1996

Hoang Sa and Truong Sa of Vietnam

TT - Decision of the State Council of China established the district city of Hainan Province Sansha directly manage three archipelagos, including the Western Islands and the South Sa Sa, Hoang Sa and Truong Sa News of Vietnam , is acting unruly, despite probably right, trampling on the true history of Vietnam's sovereignty over the islands it.

Play Full text article read:

The first point of Guangdong provincial government when the public surveys that Hoang Sa Sa western China called in 1909, is that the islands "Xisha is unclaimed land (res nullius), naval Quang East flag on the island and fired 21 cannon shots at several islands in the Paracel Islands in 1909.

After using force to resist an unlawful captured the Paracel Islands in mid-January 1974, China has tried to search to try to coerce into the document by trimming, if necessary, to misrepresent the contribution of scholars such as Le Group argues that "the South Sea islands far from the ancient Chinese territory," the Chinese people "early detection most," "business soon," government the Chinese dynasties "county soon" and cited several historical documents to nature speculative evidence (Quang Minh Daily, 24-11-1975).

The argument is trying to coerce into

* These data confirm the West of Vietnam's sovereignty over the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands:

- Diary ship Amphitrite (1701) confirmed Paracels islands belong to a country of Annam.

- Sur la memoire Le Boat by Jean Baptiste Chaigneau (1769-1825) wrote in his last years Gia Long (completed 1820) in 1816 confirmed the King Gia Long had established sovereignty over the islands Paracels Vietnam.

- An Nam Dai Quoc Sketches of bishops Taberd published in 1838 confirmed the Golden Cat (Paracel) and Paracels is located in Vietnam's waters.

- The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. VI post of bishop of King Gia Long Taberd confirmed officially hold the sovereignty of islands Paracels).

- The Journal of the Geographycal Society of London (1849) An GutzLaff recognized government established the South represents a boat and a small camp to collect taxes in Paracels ...
To demonstrate the establishment of its sovereignty in Western Sa Paracel News Vietnam, China also made the point to be considered the "strongest" as follows:


China confirmed the South Sea Islands were in the county of China dating from the 5th year Trinh Nguyen Tang 789. True history book of China as Chi Chu's version is written General Nhu Trieu changes in administrative regulations from the Han Dynasty to Song Dynasty life, including Quynh Son, a district of Hainan Island at that time (please emphasize ) - after the city of Haikou - is set to "the admiral" in the first five years dating to Tang Trinh Nguyen, ie 789 years.

But through the book Street Letter, Signed Crown Pacific, Du Geotechnical Thang (1221), Guangdong General Chi (1842), the second in five dating Trinh Nguyen Tang in Hainan Island have stories that only city employees Recovery Manager Li Tang army to take back the island of Hainan after more than 100-year indigenous insurgency as the main island of King Street and would put the admiral in Quynh Son district, no story 'merger in any island South China Sea on Hainan Island. "


China sent marines to "patrol", China has invoked to justify the events. First of all arguments about "erectile dispatched marines patrolling the sea world", to justify the Korean group harmony based on a passage in the book The Dance Economy Weak, but the text is absolutely no argument to prove, "Central Korea dispatched marines patrolling the islands began life Xisha Song. "

South American groups have tried to coerce into Zhen two paragraphs of text together to talk about the route "from Fort Mon Son to the Great Food, Lion Buddha, Thien Truc" arise in the first paragraph refers to "put nutrition accumulated in two marines patrolling the seaport of East and West. " This is not true to the original Dance General Business Essentials. This is just trying to set the pair "his head Wu Department" to try to demonstrate the marines patrolling his land through Song "Nine European Speakers emulsion" that this group is the Western Sa.

But the patrol's Thang Ngo, first find out the location of sites, we are known as the capital Chew Quynh Quynh Chau in the north of Hainan Island, the engine is a 339m high mountain in northeastern Hainan Island Nam, Duong Chau That is east of Hainan Island, From Soup Sa is sand west of Hainan Island. This is just the Thang Ngo patrolling around the island of Hainan, not to Xisha That should remember that European Ocean in the east of Hainan Island should not Xisha Paracel of Vietnam News, the capital of Hainan more 350 nautical miles southeast.


The South Sea Islands were drawn on the map of China. Authors Han Chan Collection by American editors are very "sophisticated" and made 13 maps divided into two categories. One type is a map of China Minh Thanh time has drawn the South Sea Islands. Another class is a map of China and other countries Minh Thanh time version of, also drew the South Sea Islands.


Aircraft in China Spratlys. Currently China has organized tours to visit Paracel only to China!

There are many maps of China from official life Nguyen, Ming to Qing, which maps near the time of publication of a dispute as maps in the Great Qing Empire Great Qing Empire full map, published in 1905 , reprinted on Wednesday, in 1910 he painted the southernmost territory of China Hainan Island, not to any other islands in the East Sea.

Map of Thong Nhat Dynasty general location map balance in his public address Thong Nhat Thanh Hoang full map published in Quang Tu 20 (1894) specified the southernmost territory of China is chewing Chau, Quynh Chau Government, Guangdong at 18 degrees 30 minutes North, while the West or Hoang Sa Sa is the Chinese name, is the island in the highest position is 17 degrees 5 minutes. This shows that Western or Sa Hoang Sa is never the territory of China.

Meanwhile, the right of the main document, Overseas Chinese as a memoir by Thich Dai San Nguyen said God sent a boat exploring the production materials from the ship sank in Van Ly Truong Sa, Hoang Sa and Truong Sa News Vietnam. These data demonstrate the sovereignty of Vietnam has appeared continuously through life: from the first time Lord Nguyen (ie early seventeenth century), then next to the Tay Son dynasty (from King Gia Long), Vietnam Approximately 30 types of data, confirmed the sovereignty of Vietnam is very clear.

The Vietnam era, from the North and South conflict period and the Tay Son, Paracel resources on almost nothing but right their own material in Bac Ha Trinh, mainly Lo Thien Nam Tu Chi collection, in 1686, the Hong Duc Toan Tap Map or in the book An Thien Ha Nam Road Map and Phu Bien Tap Luc by Le Quy Don in 1776.

In Yugoslavia Heavenly Highway Map or Complete Library Annam Lo, 1686 can map is the oldest document, stating the annual Nguyen bring their ships to 18th at the golden sand mining. It documents in Phu Bien Tap Luc by Le Quy Don, in 1776 the ancient documents, the most thorough description of Hoang Sa, vol 2 of two paragraphs referring to the Nguyen Lord established the sovereignty of Vietnam at the Imperial University Sa activities of the team with the Paracel and the North Sea fleet.

Dynasty to the period from 1802 to 1909, there are many primary documents demonstrates the sovereignty of Vietnam over the Paracel Islands and Spratly:

- Excess Land Calendar in Trieu Chi Charter Type of Phan Huy Chu Chi (1821) and geographical books Hoang Vietnamese Chi (1833). Content on Paracel's two more books on similar points in Phu Bien Tap Luc by Le Quy Don XVIII century.

- Great Southern Border Food Luc partial payment, vol 10 (composed in 1821, carved in 1844) continue to confirm the establishment of Vietnamese sovereignty of Great team work well by Hoang Sa and Bac Hai team.

- Great Southern Border Food Luc The First Century (carved in 1848); second century (engraving done in 1864); third century (engraving done in 1879) has written a total of 11 stages and the Paracel Islands Changsha with new content, rich, very specific about the continued establishment of the sovereignty of Vietnam and Paracel islands in the Spratlys.

- Documentation is very precious World of Nguyen Dynasty (XIX century), currently stored in a central repository in Hanoi. There we find the tempo, tempo of the temple being set as the Ministry of Industry, and other agencies or the instance of the king on the establishment of Vietnam's sovereignty over the Paracel Islands in the reign Nguyen as the current exploration, surveying, chart Paracel, plug milestone ... 5th year of Thieu Tri (1845) have only delayed current exploration period, then resumed.

- In the Dai Nam Nhat Thong Chi books (composer completed in 1882, 1910 and rewrite the second engraved print) Hoang Sa belong to determine Quang Ngai province and continue to confirm the team work and team Paracel Paracel North Sea by the team Managing cum ...

In addition, maps of Vietnam from the seventeenth century to the nineteenth century were painted golden sand or Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Van Ly of Vietnam in the general area

Living Museum of sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa

9.4 Today, they are in rural ethnic Clock, An Hai commune, Ly Son island district (Quang Ngai) lemur made offerings of money and donated papers relating to sovereign commands the Paracel Islands to the State.

According to international legal, and later in 1909 before the start of the dispute in the Paracel islands, the possession must be actual, continuous, peaceful and nature of state. Any action by the private non-state have no international legal validity.

Vietnam we have a lot of documents on the establishment of state, enforce sovereignty over the Hoang Sa preserved. Not only because it's true history is the actual possession of the Vietnamese State University or the time Lord Vietnam Nguyen Dynasty. From Son Tay Nguyen Anh against those who use the West as the British: Barizy, France: Dayot, Chaigneau consulted for the State to possess, use marines from the Navy in 1816 and plugged using markers, construction beer, digging wells, building temples, trees ... These actions are clearly stated in the documents state as the king's edict, sheets Tau and Tau Appeal of the European version also stored in the Nguyen dynasty. Also consistent dynasty National History clearly recorded in the annals as the Great Southern Food Bien Tien Luc, Luc Chinh Bien Great Southern Food. It further stated in the Association Technical dictionaries, books of imperial legislation into explicit annual rate. Government witnesses from abroad he wrote, on the popular books that are back in 1816 that King Gia Long was solemnly pledged at the Hoang Sa Paracel news. In fact in 1816 only five marines began using the behavior of Western sovereignty only.

Wise policy of the Nguyen Dynasty as well use the sea as in the central provinces of Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Binh Thuan. Especially for many of Cu Lao Re News Ly Son, there is a tradition for centuries of exploitation Paracel soldiers as well as the East Sea, not only with the civil war but also Paracel naval assistance of court family. Or be assigned as the commanding naval navies Rate Pham Huu Nhat, Pham Van Trieu News, the nation they Pham Van Hai An Ward, now the East Village, An Hai commune. Or with more elaborate work of the sailing instructions or navies as Dang Van Siem has recently discovered or the nature of the organizations concerned envoy trip again.

It is from these Ly Son island district should be regarded as the cradle of civil or military Paracel provide commanders or naval assistance to fulfill task. People sent a lot and over many centuries. Each race they have kept their traditional identity documents from the room, private papers, sheets command, such as paper by Dang Van Siem has recently discovered.

Ly Son island district has become a true living museum as well as extremely precious museum with documents and evidence of legal sovereignty of Vietnam in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa. By the time ago and the former Saigon government still writing the same common name for two Paracel Islands Paracel and Spratly Islands, which according to the user, the team always cum military Paracel Beihai Changsha exploitation.

There are the exploitation and preservation of this valuable material is still inadequate. Request the Ministry of Culture - Sports - Tourism Council should establish national inspection and recognition of text on the nature of state as precious historical relics to the law most people are responsible preservation. At the same time, to digitize all the text documents as well as on the relevant documents are scattered in many places in the country and abroad. The State should also promptly recognized "living museum of the sovereignty of Vietnam and Paracel islands in the Spratlys" to Ly Son island district for the children of Vietnamese people, especially students, students with more things Event learn, to train national consciousness when visiting, the pilgrimage to this island gem, island pioneer mining, pioneering the East Sea of Vietnam.

Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 5, 2010

Sinister new step in China's Hoang Sa

Archaeological display in games is presented Paracel a useless academic games. Maj. Gen. Nguyen Trong Vinh, former Ambassador of China in the years between the two countries tense, you change into revenge, has identified logically pottery capital of Vietnam is also sold to many countries in Southeast Asia and Japan early on, such training may now see a ceramic artifacts Vietnam on Japanese soil may also conclude that the land is owned by Vietnam? Selected as mounds or know how many bones the old soldier Sun Shiyi, Chinese archaeologists can dig up to Hanoi, for DNA testing and said that Ngoc Hoi, Dong Da district capital of China's land? Lend color to political science is spurious and the old strategies and proven leader from the Northern Dynasties are not any tricks, though awkward to how to carry out the ambitious land robbed of blatant piracy other countries.

South Vietnamese bauxite

China through the "project to protect archaeological relics" of Vietnam in Hoang Sa. Scheme to protect archaeological relics "by the director of national civilization of China presented in the" two sessions "of China, which in the future China will promote the active search terms neck region Paracel Islands from Vietnam.

According to the proposal submitted "two sessions" past, the Chinese side said that right from the Western Han period was the Paracel Islands "marine silk road" of China's important. China identified by position on the sea trade so important in this region after the occurrence of shipwrecks is one of the areas rich in archaeological materials are important values. Therefore, putting this area into the area to be protected archaeological research and a serious sense of great importance.

It is known that in 1998 China also began initial activities to exploit and explore marine archeology in this region of Vietnam. By 2007 and 2008, China also sent a ship "United Optical island a" coming of working. Then, in May 2009 China has conducted a survey of 7100 square km area at the same time discovered 11 archaeological sites is important. At the same time to September 2009, a center of cultural heritage protection under China's national water has also been established. This center, along with archaeological work station Paracel tasked to build the project under the protection of marine archaeologists at the Paracel Islands from Vietnam.

According to experts, archaeologists identified the country, this sea area there are many documents and archaeological importance untapped. However, due to wide distribution area in greater numbers, besides re-location away from mainland China ... those things are a challenge for archaeologists of this country.

As known, archaeological artifacts in this sea area are mainly porcelain and bronze.

In protection work, which includes proposals made two huge problem. First, strengthening legal advocacy of the importance to protect cultural objects under the sea, strict application of sanctions for salvage of cultural activities of illegal material. Monday, combining the functional agencies of the Government, local fishermen ... enhance the patrol and inspect the physical protection of marine areas which China Hoang Sa belong to that their rights.

Currently, in the Paracel Islands, China has discovered more than 50 archaeological sites have value, in which special attention is the Central North Island and the island of Orange County has been the country's State Council listed as protected areas protection is important.

According to the scheme, Department documents and national treasures of China has launched four major groups of solutions to protect and study important regional office under the sea under the sovereignty of the Paracel Islands in Vietnam .

Specifically, first, actively promote and encourage the research on topical issues. At the same time listed the protection of underwater cultural objects Paracel islands of Vietnam into the core work of the "five year plan the 12th." Monday, promoting thematic studies and reports listed specific cultural objects. Tuesday, as well the protection of underwater cultural artifacts Paracel. Established research centers to protect underwater cultural heritage and the South China Sea archaeological work station Paracel. Other departments concerned as well the scientific survey, periodic patrols, the main fishing vessel inspection activities to strengthen supervision escort, salvage archeology. Wednesday, application of strict punishment for violations, illegal salvage artifacts. Establishing relationships correlation between relevant agencies, research and finding ways of effective cooperation among the specialized agencies to improve the efficiency of quality.

The archaeological (whether there are grounds exact science) is the materials science of value, but it is not evidence an assertion of sovereignty lands or waters. National sovereignty for a land or sea areas are determined based on international conventions. China sent troops into the occupied and illegally occupied the Paracel Islands from Vietnam, an act of aggression, against international conventions. Dark intention expand from archaeological work in order to avoid taking seriously the dialogue is a precondition for the sinister acts.

Whether any form, the science or not, China conducted the archaeological search in the Paracel Islands are a serious violation to the sovereignty of Vietnam over the sea. China must respect the national sovereignty of Vietnam and the 1982 Convention on the sea of the United Nations and the Treaty of conduct between China and ASEAN on the sea issues

Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 4, 2010


Archipelagoes Hoang Sa and Truong Sa of Vietnam's territory for many centuries. The islands have special importance in terms of strategy (on water and direct international flights) as well as potential economic importance (oil and gas, and other produce) and is currently being violated by many countries such as China (including Taiwan), Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei that became political hot spots of the area.

Research this topic not only because of world demand for scientific research but also meet practical needs as well as for national leaders, especially the struggle for political and diplomatic protection Vietnam's sovereignty over archipelagoes Hoang Sa and Truong Sa.

In addition, the research itself which concerned the issue from more than 25 years, wanted a chance to systematizing, synthesizing all the documents and understand fully comprehend the establishment of sovereignty Islands of Vietnam in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa.

The study aims to:
1. Provides an integrated data, systems and thorough process of establishing the sovereignty of Vietnam and Paracel islands in the Spratlys. From that point draw firm evidence of Vietnam's sovereignty over archipelagoes Hoang Sa and Truong Sa.

2 Since then, helps to counter-arguments to justify the infringement of foreign sovereignty of the islands of Vietnam in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, so that was the essence of state sovereignty infringement to build long-term policy to protect the sovereignty of Vietnam over the Paracel Islands and the Spratlys.

3. Contribute to building the awareness of responsibility clearly fight for sovereignty over the Paracel islands and defend its sovereignty over the Spratlys and the people of the state in Vietnam.


? Before 1975.
Before 1909, Vietnam's sovereignty over the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands and China have not been violated in other countries. Nam1907 a year when the Japanese occupied the island Pratas. China has objected to this Pratas islands occupied by the Japanese for that unclaimed island. To prevent the expansion of Japan and south to avoid the event "Pratas 2", China has named a series of islands in the South China Sea including the Xisha and Nansha island that China is unclaimed. At this time, not down Nansha position of Vietnam's Truong Sa in the position that only Zhongsha. Time Trinh Nguyen conflict has seen the letter appeared Vietnam's stock generally refers to the Paracel Islands. The oldest, at the end of the seventeenth century maps as "Toan Tap Thien Nam Tu Chi Lo Toys Letter" or Toan An episode of South Highway Do Ba Cong Dao [23], [191], a drawing and notes on "golden sand" that Hoang Sa, followed by Phu Bien Tap Luc [28], [192] by Le Quy Don, a detailed description of the activities of the team Paracel Islands, North Sea, and demonstrates the establishment protect the sovereignty of Vietnam over the Paracel Islands and the Spratlys. Nguyen Sang to time, from the reign of Gia Long, the system includes a chronicle of the National Journal geographical and local products, books, dictionaries Assembly, the Cabinet of the European court Nguyen has recorded the activities of the Paracel Islands a very carefully and clearly demonstrates the establishment and protection of state sovereignty of Vietnam over the Paracel islands, as well as the Spratlys. Including the use of Food Continental Dai Nam Tien Bien [96], [195] The record [97], [98], [99], [100] [101] (102], [199] [200] [203] [204] [205] [206] as well as the International Court abridgment of the record [104] [210] and the address as the Dai Nam Nhat Thong Chi [103], [209 ], Du Chi Hoang Vietnamese Land [135] [194]. Kham Dinh Dai Nam Special Power Association Rules (Minh Mang) [93], [201] The Court Chau Nguyen (Minh Mang reign of Thieu Tri &) [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [196] [197] [198] has mentioned the beer up sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Hoang Sa eloquent proof of the king and court and Vietnam to protect the interest Hoang Sa right level for the supreme power (this is different from China and other countries there is no evidence establishing and protecting the sovereignty during the feudal dynasties).
In addition to the State of Vietnam, the researchers were interested in our country, recording the activities of the Hoang Sa and Bac Hai as Le Quy Don in Phu Bien Tap Luc, Phan Huy Chu in Excess Address (Constitutional Court Calendar Program Type CHI), Nguyen Thong in Vietnam Using General Manager Policy Brief Survey (vol 4, 1877 )..., [207]
Same time not in violation of the sovereignty over Hoang Sa, many authors including Chinese and western researchers have also mentioned Paracel Islands or to the establishment of sovereignty over the Paracel authorities of Vietnam as Bishop Taberd [185] [186] Gutzlaff [157], it is important that each activity helped the French news Nguyen Anh Gia Long King as Dayot, Chaigneau identified King Gia Long re-establish sovereignty over the Paracel Islands.
Besides mapping the sea in which the strip in the South China Sea is Hoang Sa (Paracels) runs along the sea off the coast of Champa or Boat, these writings, correspondence from the West (Portugal, the Netherlands, France, English) on the sea, and shipwrecks were fishermen and soldiers brought back to the mainland Cochin settlement.
After 1909, the Guangdong governor intends to start infringing the sovereignty of Vietnam over the Paracel islands, said Hoang Sa belong to any country not (sic!). Now, Vietnam is still with the yoke of imperialist domination of France, many people start new research really care about the sovereignty of Vietnam in Hoang Sa, but is just the article. Most topical is the late 20 early 30. Typical wrote in Revue Lapicque Indochinoise No. 38, 1929 [166] collect a number of documents identifying the sovereignty of Vietnam in Hoang Sa and evidence represents the local authorities of China for the Chinese people on board were robbed Le sinking ship Bellona in 1895 and in 1896 Imazi Maru refused sovereignty, no responsibility for the pirates said on the Paracel Islands in saying "Paracel" not under Chinese sovereignty. Then a series of articles published in newspapers Henri Cuchrousset Eveil Economique de l'Indochine from 1929 to 1931 [146 -152] give evidence of the sovereignty of Vietnam in Hoang Sa, blame the French government was so delinquent in the certification and protection of sovereignty in the Paracel islands, so that the evaluation was expected to order a search Barbet night to force journalists to pay for court records related to Paracel. Therefore, they have an impact, the French government in later years has reaffirmed sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) with specific actions, such as surveys, jack pile, set lighthouses, meteorological stations and barracks (the early years of the decade 30). During these years many studies Paracel geography.

During World War II and the war of resistance against the French, who care little research to Hoang Sa.
Later in 1954, according to the Geneva accord, Hoang Sa and Truong Sa belong to the Saigon government control. In 1956, when the French expeditionary forces withdrew from Vietnam, Philippines, claimed to speak in his Spratlys. In 1956, People's Republic of China occupied the island of Phu Lam Hoang Sa archipelago and then occupied the island of Taiwan ITU Aba, the sovereignty dispute are set out harsh, since many studies have been published reports . Prominent than the two studies on the sovereignty of the Paracel relatively thick and the systematic collection. That project was born in 1971, L'affaire des yles Paracels devant le droit et Spratly International, 298 typewritten pages, doctoral thesis for his third Le Thanh Khe, at the Institut International d'Etudes et de Recherches Diplomatiques [161]. This work going on in international law, mainly under the international law of the capitalist world and the project of the International Court of The Hague. Author conditional on not going into whether the evidence of history.

Then, in 1972 appeared thesis project Board of Directors The National Academy of Administration (Saigon) by Dinh Van Cu with the theme: "Sovereignty and the Paracel Islands Spratly Islands", 137 pages thick type machine [24]. Work on spending more than 1 / 4 talk about the content and geographic circumstances presented the progress of claims over the Paracel Islands in many countries.

By 1974, the People's Republic of China invaded the whole Paracel islands, many works have been made in this year, including the collection of documents in French Vo Long Te entitled "Les de Archipels Truong Sa Hoang Sa et selon les Anciens de Vietnamiens Ouvrages d'Histoire et de Geographie ", 201 pages thick in 1974 [187]. This is the French translation of excerpts of the letter's share of Vietnam on Spratlys. Then "Paracel Islands, Republic of Vietnam's territory," 96 pages thick of the Muslim population of Van Chieu (Saigon government) [10] and the White Book of the State Department in Saigon government in 1975 [170]. Also in 1975 marked a milestone in the history of research issues as the sovereignty of the Paracel Journal History Geography No. 29 (1975), special terms of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, 352 pages, including many documents and pictures photos, maps, has been appreciated.

Later in 1975.
Some agencies like the Border Government, Institute of Chinese Studies, the university began interested Paracel problems, especially after the war invading China in February 1979. September 1979, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic Socialist of Vietnam published the document "for the sovereignty of Vietnam and the Paracel Islands in the Spratlys." January 1982, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Vietnam Socialist Left published a white book "and Paracel Islands in the Spratlys, Vietnam's territory." April 1988, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic Socialist of Vietnam re-published documents: "The Paracel Islands, Spratly and international law." Man Ky and Tran Khanh Duong Xuan Bridge wrote "From the golden sand to the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, Vietnam's territory," Studies in History No. 2 (University Publishers Professional and Secondary) [79] gave some new information, new approaches in the field isle Re.

Gone "Paracel Islands Vietnam" by Van Trong page 90 [134] is summarized concise and focused on the sovereignty dispute with China to add some images, like beer on the sovereignty of Vietnam pants Paracel islands taken in 1938, taking over the Spratlys in 1961.

Recently, some scientific research projects at national level on Hoang Sa and Truong Sa are being conducted. Including topics such as "Contract Research Sciences History Sovereignty of Vietnam in the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands", code BDHD 01-01 PTS by Nguyen Quang Ngoc (the University of Hanoi) chaired final report was dated 04/30/1995 and the National Conference "argument Sciences History, Geography and legal sovereignty over the islands Vietnam Hoang Sa and Truong Sa" in Hanoi on 18 / 1 / 1996 and some further results are published in the following year.

Particularly, the Agreement on Scientific Research, initially had contributed significantly to Vietnam maps by Tran Ba Chi charge to find old books there are 22 maps drawn Hoang Sa and Truong Sa. Bibliographies on ancient Vietnam by Pham Kim Hung, Nguyen Dang Na, Nguyen Huu Thanh charge, check out and compare with the original 25 books have been translated Han, also discovered some new information in the Great South end at 15 and still find more books like geographical compendium, South Vietnam Location Du Chi, Cao Chu posthumous Spirit, Chu Yuan Vocabulary Learning Survey, Min Hanh Thi Thao, Thao Vietnamese Banking Operations, Eastern Operations Test Theory, Ad Thuan Dao Tap History, Central Land Strategy Star Du, Hai Chi Mind Programming ... But the book does not directly mention the issue of sovereignty in the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, but the books that have mentioned the Paracel Islands, also reflect the understanding and concern for the ancient Vietnamese Hoang Sa. About Data Clean Asia Copyright by Vo Van, Vu Van Quan charge has discovered some very precious material evidence about the implementation process in sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa in the reign of Thieu Tri and Minh Par . Data on the West by the PTS Nguyen Thua Hy charge has detected significant cases in which Dayot help build naval and redraw the map for Nguyen Anh Hoang Sa or Portuguese traders offering maps Huang Sa for Nguyen Anh. In addition, the survey field in Cu Lao Re PTS by Nguyen Quang Ngoc, Vu Van Quan made PTS discovered resources in the family, village-related activities of the team over the Paracel time Lord Nguyen period, the Tay Son reign of Nguyen.
The National Conference on 01/18/1996, including 15 reports contributed significantly to the study of historical disputes with China Paracel Islands as well as data on the Chinese side, learn from the system map China's Nguyen Quang Ngoc to demonstrate to China's 1909 map was never drawn to the Paracel Islands to China's views on Hoang Sa - Truong Sa Hoang Ngoc Bao's, Taiwan's perspective on the Hoang Sa - Quy Nguyen Huy Truong Sa or find out about collection of Korean materials Paracel harmony (China) by Pham Kim Hung-editor in charge. Besides the problem of international law on territorial capital of Dac Nguyen Dang Dung or project rate of Clipperton Island, Dinh Ngoc Linh or building management system data Hoang Sa - Truong Sa by Nguyen Quoc Toan computer.

Some other works were published as issues Hoang Sa - Truong Sa in Vietnamese Chinese relations in the book "The Truth about the occurrence of the Chinese Army and Vietnam-China relations" by publishers in 1996 in Da Nang or is the author synthesized the material published in book form as Q. Nguyen Wins. Some doctoral thesis dealing, relating to Dr. Hoang Sa and Truong Sa or East Sea as PTS thesis Axis Tran Cong in Vietnam, Dr. Nguyen Hong Thao in France (1996), the PTS Peace Do Soviet Union has been protected, but mainly on legal issues of the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa or East Sea.

There are also a number of articles published author of many newspaper Nhan Dan, Military History Journal, Journal of Han Nom, Magazines Then and Now ...

Thus, the researchers Vietnam was really interested and increasingly significant contributor to the study of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa.

Western researchers are also increasingly more concerned about the Paracel and Spratly Islands. LaFont Pierre Bernard wrote the "Les Archipels Paracels in his Spratley et Confit de Frontières en mer de Chine Meridionale, published in 1989 [165]. Especially the book "La souverainete Spratley et sur les Archipels Paracels" Her MC Gendreau [155], president of the European Law is a scientific work is objective viewpoint that Vietnam is fully implemented nominal sovereignty and Paracel islands in the Spratlys. On September 12-1999 Internet has more than 900 documents mentioned Paracels and Spratley (now 970 documents)